Aiki Wiki is a type of win win conversational sport for the alignment of ideas––customizable and interoperable through computer interfaces for web2, web3, and web4 (LLMs)
In this unique game protocol, all sides can win, toxicity dissolves, conflict resolves, misinformation is filtered, and collaboration is the only outcome.
Aiki Wiki will transform how we communicate through technology on the web.
Aiki Wiki is played on top of 9×3 Narrative Logic, a proprietary computational system for natural human to human conversation on the web through customizable computer interfaces.
We’ve given hundreds of demonstrations of this process since 2021, received many endorsements, and as of March 2024, have successfully piloted the computational system in single, one on one conversations through a computer interface. A live demonstration of Aiki Wiki can be viewed on Vimeo
Aiki Wiki version 1. Parley.
Parley Aiki Wiki is the very basics of the system, it allows two people to have a natural conversation around a single topic and guides the conversation through nine possible narrative arcs which processes a consensus article through the game. Contact us for a demonstration.
Aiki Wiki Version 2. Consensus Dojo
Our next iteration of Aiki Wiki, Consensus Dojo, will allow a small community of around 25 to 50 people to process a consensus narrative into publication with an accompanying AI through the game.
Aiki Wiki Version 3. Global Library of Consensus Articles (2025)
Builds an Open Source Global Library, free of charge, of consensus articles in the public domain.
Replace nothing, improve everything.
The full version of Aiki Wiki is a fully transparent online consensus library which can publish and distribute conflict into resolution through groups of individuals, 25 or more, through an elaborate computer interface and content management system that works with an AI for simple and quick deliberation and publication. The full system is designed for interoperability with social media, AI, any governance system, legal system or organizational system.
The system can account for all possible flows of conversation and deliberation in any decision making process through a type of game that is applied to conversation while only allowing for one computational outcome, resolution, to emerge into publication.
The game is informed by “9×3 Narrative Logic”, which applies narrative structures to conversation and can handle events such as conflict, disagreement, misinformation, deception or manipulation which can arise in heated disputes or powerful ideological conversations.
The game guides conversation through these narrative events until a threshold is reached, awarding permissions to make changes in the library of consensus articles.