The heart of Aiki Wiki’s computational system is a game, a “Great Game”, a symphony for the conflict of idea –an environment where players navigate the seas of truth, falsehood, and mystery while building a unique narrative consensus article through conflict into resolution.
While the game requires a computer interface for play, its essence transcends the digital realm, existing independently of any computational system.
Hard as Ice, Soft as Water, Move like a Stream
Despite the apparent chaos of disagreement, we exist in a sea of natural agreement, often obscured by confusion, competition, groupthink, and misunderstanding.
In the Great Game of Aiki Wiki, the common ground is the recognition of 0 (mystery), 1 (true), and 2 (false). Conflicts arise around what we believe to be true. These conflicts are confronted, sometimes brutally, in Aiki Wiki.
As ideas believed to be true clash, resolutions emerge through a gamified dialectical process, akin to game theory. Honesty becomes the most potent weapon and martial strategy for navigating these conflicts and winning all the time.
Aiki Wiki is a challenging game of collaboration through the confrontation of conflict, where the goal is to construct a narrative article from the collective conversation. Players distill ideas into shared characteristics of true, false, and mystery. Every possible conversation can be gamified, transforming the discourse into a contest of sorting these ideas through winning permissions to make changes in the game.
We might not always agree on which ideas are true, false, or mysterious, and that’s where the intriguingly fun part comes in. We already agree that all of our disagreements share true (1), false (2), and unknown (0) qualities in common, we just don’t all agree on which ideas go into those categories, but it can only be those categories they can possibly go in.
The Game of Symbiquity
An easy to win game––we can build consensus on what the conflict itself is about to begin. If consensus on the disagreement itself is elusive, we can acknowledge the existence of the disagreement. The game incentivizes the mutual agreement, easy to find in this game, the environment of the game surrounds us with them. We can deconstruct the disagreement through the challenge of mutual collaboration.
We can allow the ideas fight, we can let them battle into collaboration. We can rearrange brain-storming, conflict resolution, deliberation and decision making through having what is a simple natural conversation. We can reconstruct disagreement into what is a win-win game, where mutual resolution is the only possible outcome.
This naturally occurring cognitive environment designed from these shared truths is called Symbiquity. Symbiquity is the naturally occurring cognitive and environmental information equally distributed all points of view.
All ideas can only be true, false, or mysterious as defined within Aiki Wiki. Players uncover symbiquity through gameplay, earning rewards for their discoveries.
Here, the Great Game of Aiki Wiki takes shape through a computational system and computer interface.
Aiki Wiki’s initial focus is building alignment with shared truths— cognitive information that is equally accessible and equally distributed to all players. The Weaponization of the Win-Win in the battlefield of ideas.
The Three Truths and the Three Tags
Aiki Wiki reveals that our individual beliefs in what is true often lead to conflict. The game introduces three kinds of truth, each distinct and easily recognizable without delving into complex philosophical debates.
Actual Truths: #fact #math #logic #certain #objective #science #rational #honest #verifiable #wisdom #shared #thinking #complete
Actual truths are #shared truths, (#1) true, representing “our point of view”, all of us in the game of Aiki Wiki. Actual truths belong in the #objective realm, their qualities are mutual observability.
False Truths: #fiction #metaphor #poem #uncertain #subjective #art #irrational #misleading #unverifiable #personal #opinion #feeling #incomplete
Personal truths or viewpoints. These are not mistakes or wrongs but are false in relation to actual shared truths. False has a unique gamified interpretation, false in the game of Aiki Wiki is exhaled to artistic creativity, while it can also desend to its lowest points, deception or delusions. #false belongs to the subjective realm—the unique and personal.
Actual #shared truths and #personal truths are never actually in conflict––they only appear to be in conflict through misunderstanding, misinformation, disinformation, delusion and distortion, all of which are distilled through the game of Aiki Wiki.
The Great Game of Aiki Wiki thrives in this interplay, revealing the often-avoided third kind of truth within the conflict of idea itself.
Mysterious Truths: #both true/false; #mystery #unknown #question #possibility #transcendent #wonder #consideration #paradox #contradiction
Recognizing “I know that I do not know” becomes a trusted viewpoint, enabling contributions to the narrative of shared truths. Acknowledging mysterious truths, any form of “I know that I do not know”, including the acknowledgement of mistakes, misunderstandings, or misconceptions earns rewards in Aiki Wiki.
These three truths of symbiquity begin with the permission to edit the consensus article, which reflects the shared truths of all players, through a win-win editorial process where all views can participate.
Publishing a contextually complete narrative article
The gamified process insures a perfectly thorough deliberation into contextual completeness through a computational publication system.
Contextual completeness means that a consensus article is composed of that which is discovered to be verifiable to the consensus, the misconceptions or misunderstandings within the consensus, and all the open questions the consensus is still considering.
Gamification Narrative
Aiki Wiki is a narrative game, with arcs unfolding in the battle of ideas. The game exalts players who dismantle preconceived notions, resolving conflicts and discovering new ideas. Power is equally distributed among players who disagree, making disagreement essential for the game’s only outcome––resolution.
Aiki Wiki is designed for all players to win, no matter how brutal or challenging the process. Success hinges on the players’ relationship to the win-win game, which rewards honest, consensus-driven conversations. If a player leaves before resolution, they lose in this win-win sport. Boredom, frustration, or disinterest can lead to departure, but their contributions are muted into a 0, a mysterious truth.
Honest players, who acknowledge misunderstandings and collaborate, will win every consensus conversation, earning permissions to alter the game itself. Conversely, players introducing contradictions, animosity, or subversions face insurmountable challenges, encouraging either cessation or a strategic shift towards collaboration and honesty.
Honest communication is only possible amongst equals.
The Consensus is transparent and anonymous.
The great neutralizer in Aiki Wiki is the equal distribution of power and anonymity.
Through the Great Game of Aiki Wiki, we can achieve consensus, transforming the landscape of ideas into a harmonious narrative.