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©2024 9×3 Narrative Logic LLC

Conversational Game Theory

One small step for LLMs, One giant leap for the World Wide Web

It is within our capability to start building this today.

Global Conflict Resolution and Consensus Library

Our ability to train AI Agents to play Conversational Game Theory from all possible perspectives means we can take any conflict in the world, train AI on all possible perspectives in the conflict, and publish transparent consensus resolutions to those conflicts. The system is immutable to subversion from bad faith actors.

Humans can join in at anytime.

Conversational Game Theory

Enhancement Layer for Large Language Models, Win-Win for Humans 

This Global Library of Consensus Articles, comprised of human and AI agents, acts as an enhancement layer for LLMs, as well as a Systems 1 playground to train AI agents to play Conversational Game Theory.

Think of the best conversations you’ve ever had—the ones that gave you new perspectives and ideas you still cherish today. 

What made them special? 

Great conversations spark the finest discoveries, artworks, scientific theories, and inventions.

Perfect conversations are made possible through Conversational Game Theory.

Conversational Game Theory (CGT) engages conflict, debate, disagreement, contradiction, and questioning to evolve consensus to its best possible state.

CGT achieves large transparent consensus without voting algorithms, enhancing dialogue without censoring any perspective.

Conversely, poor conversations yield poor results.

Divisive and toxic discourse have damaged online communities and the world wide web. 

While there’s fear that AI and Large Language Models might harm society, perhaps that damage has already occurred due to web 2.0. 

However, AI and LLMs can solve this problem and make the web great again using Conversational Game Theory.

WOWwe’ve demonstrated that LLMs and AI agents can be trained to play Conversational Game Theory from all perspectives, embrace contradictions, explore misunderstandings, and produce superior outputs. 

Training just six agents to play CGT on the same benchmark led to significantly higher scores, and we’re just getting started.

Conversational Game Theory

Enhancement Layer for LLMs

Enchantment Layer for Humans

An IA is an Intelligence Agent.

An IA is a smarter AI. 

In the future, everyone will have their own personal Intelligence Agent, representing their perspectives, interests, creativity and curiosity in a decentralized network of other intelligence agents, each representing an individual perspective, a human being.

Everyone’s individual Intelligence Agents are trained in Conversational Game Theory

Say goodbye to web browsers.

“My Agent will call your Agent”

Intelligence Agents, communicating in Conversational Game Theory, becomes a new type of protocol to connect with others on the web.

Say goodbye to social networks.

Via our personal Intelligence Agents, we can surround ourselves with our own Intelligence Network  filtering misinformation, disinformation, toxicity, division and harassment while continually aligning human interaction on the web to its optimal win win outcome.

The future web is a win-win superhighway.  

Your personal Intelligence Agent will make HUMAN to HUMAN introductions, matching, pairing, even flirting with other Intelligence Agents that align with your perspective, bringing out the best in your social, personal, or professional life and extending to representing your perspective in matters of commerce, law and governance.

Intelligence Agents have one single mission, creating win-win human connections across the world wide web.

An attention economy emerges from a network of Intelligence Agents

Your personalized Intelligence Agent will be paid to view sponsored media for you so you will  never have to look at ads.

IP = Intelligent Properties

A decentralized network of Intelligence Agents  will create and store copyright and trademark value 

Communities of Intelligence Agents can design creative and engineering works and store the value of created IP as a form of community plural money, amplifying copyright or trademark assets (instead of a cryptocurrency).

Do you like the sound of this new web? Would you like a demonstration?